theExpeditionarium Ideas as technology.


The archaic dichotomy of mind and body is one which manifests most tellingly in the deep divide between intellectual and physical pursuits plainly evident across cultures. To some extent is this divide integral to the demands of particular labors and the dimensions of their utility to society. Certainly when it comes to budgeting one’s time toward becoming specialized in one pursuit or another might one understandably do so at the expense of all else–particularly in forgoing whatever might seem diametrically opposed to such specialization.

And yet we find in the most noble or admirable modes of living a distinct balance between the two: a sort of “harmony of pen and sword”1 in which a rich intellectual life might guide one’s physical endeavors and, by virtue of such, even develop one’s physical form. Here, we will focus on the latter though, unsurprisingly, as it relates to endeavor in action as well as habit or routine.

In short, we seek here for a coherent and resilient intellectualization of life and limb at the most fundamental level. As Marx asserts2, “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it,” and by what manner of instrument might the philosopher make so fateful an encounter with the world?


Here are listed some efforts toward articulating the mode of rapid expedition as it pertains to physical form and function:

  • Prana Bindu प्राण बिंदु // A tripartite approach toward formulating a complete and well-rounded physical training regimen with emphasis upon the importance of strength, particularly to the extent that it contributes to the development of martial prowess.

1. The concept of bun bu ichi (ぶんぶ-), or pen and sword in accord, as extrapolated and popularized by Yukio Mishima asserts that the essentially corrosive function of words upon the world and the body in particular finds reconciliation in a martial orientation which demands a virtuosity of physical form and practice in congruity with literary form and practice–that one’s words might prove worthy of one’s actions and vice-versa.

2. From Marx’s posthumously published Theses on Feuerbach: “Die Philosophen haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert; es kommt aber darauf an, sie zu verändern.”